Now they are kissing the snake and wondering why it bit them. -- days of future passed
Excellent reference to the Sparlock video. What a turnaround!
the Society considers such a serious problem is, in part, their fault for requiring JW`s to have tablets and smartphones?
Maybe that`s the reason sites like this are seeing such an influx of newbies everyday . -- smiddy
I agree, the Society overestimating their control over the flock. It used to be counsel to stay as close to the center of the pen as possible, not straying toward the edges. Temptation has never been so easy and available. Yes, when did they get anything right. Good points.
The JW religion begrudgingly accepted the internet because it had no choice. Otherwise, they’d still be going on and on about how ‘demonized’ it is. -- LongHairGal
You nailed it! And yet, on other picayune matters, they'll insist on absolute adherence to some arcane scripture as support for a modern-day stand and let their people die in upholding it. The gnat and the camel . . .
If they were truly led by the Holy Spirit as they have claimed so many times, they would get things right. -- Phizzy
Nothing to add here!